
7 02, 2011

Bird flue


DISCLAIMER: I swear I am NOT making this up. Swear. "Did you know," said Tami, "That your bird just set off the burglar alarm?" Tami is a friend who also happens to clean my house every couple of weeks. We've known each other for years, we trade arttalk (she's a skilled painter and concrete sculptor), and occasionally we grab lunch or share farmer's market stuff or something. I think she believes that I come from another planet, but in her view that just makes things more interesting.

Bird flue2020-05-05T13:50:00-07:00
7 02, 2011

Nate, still


Saturday morning I get up, yawn my way down to the living room to play yoga on the Wii and notice that the trap looks a bit odd. This is the Kness TipTrap I'm talking about, I got it as part of my eviction plans for Nate, and it's been lying in wait for the furry little nuisance for a solid week, untouched. But now the trap's a bit off-kilter and the door is down... OMG!!!!! I CAUGHT NATE!!!!!!!!

Nate, still2020-05-05T13:54:12-07:00
23 12, 2010



"Would you please put a sock in it?" I called wearily, "It's 4:00 in the morning, Nate!" Whatever Nate the Mouse was doing in the living room obviously took precedence over my good night's rest, because he'd been doing it for hours. At last, I stomped downstairs and turned on the lights, to scare him off. Didn't even slow him [...]

20 12, 2010

A mouse in the house


Jane Goodall and I have a lot in common. I'd have made a pretty good wildlife scientist, living alongside my furry, tick-ridden subjects, eating the food they eat, sharing their miseries--drenching rain, biting gnats and hungry tigers. In fact, I'd probably be doing that right now if room service wasn't so sketchy in the jungle. Despite my great love of wildlife, however, I never invite it into the house. And so the mouse in my living room is a bit of a problem.

A mouse in the house2021-07-15T10:56:25-07:00
14 11, 2010



324 assorted flower bulbs are giving me dirty looks. This happens every bloody year. These bulbs--and their forefathers--have been reminding me for maybe fifteen years that BUYING bulbs is only the first half of the battle. The other half is PLANTING them, which I regard with only slightly more enthusiasm than a good dose of Ebola. Bulb buying has become a traditional kick-off for my holiday season. Every year about this time I push the cart past a bulb display in the hardware store* and...stop. Wow. 100 bulbs for just $12.99. That's only...lemme see...THIRTEEN CENTS A BULB!!

28 10, 2010



How do you distinguish tourists from glasslanders? The tourists are the ones carrying the umbrellas. Glasslanders, i.e., people who've been assimilated into the Portland mindset, think of umbrellas in much the same way that vampires think of garlic. They do NOT carry rainboots or slickers or umbrellas. (Or, as my little sister used to say as a toddler, "ungerbers.")

26 10, 2010

Cookie monster


"Cookies up front," said Monica, as she breezed past my office, "Go see! I made them for Halloween!" Obligingly, I got up and wandered down the hall, rounded the corner to Monica's domain...and stopped, dumbfounded. Spread out on two rolling carts was the most gorgeous array of decorated Halloween cookies I think I've ever seen. There were at least a thousand cookies on those carts, and all I could think was, "wow."

Cookie monster2022-02-03T07:06:03-08:00
20 08, 2010

Will the real Carol Hamilton please stand up?


My name is NOT Carol Hamilton. Really. It's not. Carol Hamilton is having a problem with her bills right now, and the collection agencies are calling. Since they're on the east coast, they're calling pretty daggone early, too. Problem is, they're not calling Carol. They're calling me. Verizon has given Derrick-the-Droidphone a temporary number while I compare iPhone and DroidX [...]

Will the real Carol Hamilton please stand up?2020-05-05T14:26:40-07:00
20 05, 2010

Scents and sensibility


My favorite neighborhood urchin is now old enough that a day’s hard playing leaves him as fragrant as used gerbil bedding. It’s really quite amazing how far the scent carries. Feet. Yards. Blocks, even. While I’m wondering whether subtly suggesting a little soap, water and deodorant would crucify his fragile preteen psyche, his best friend screeches up beside us.

Scents and sensibility2020-05-05T14:31:09-07:00
1 04, 2010

Tired of ugly glass? Get Simpatico.


GLASSLAND, USA __ A new line of fusible glass promises to completely eradicate bad glass art within the next two years. Stumptown Glass Company's new Simpatico glass prevents artists from making poor artistic choices when developing kilnformed, cast or torchworked glass. The glass' built-in esthetic sense reviews the artist's composition, using criteria gathered from juries at leading art competitions around the world. If the composition exceeds those criteria, the glass removes itself from the work or breaks.

Tired of ugly glass? Get Simpatico.2022-02-03T07:08:11-08:00
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